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dude XD

Interesting style, I liked your style of humour and art but what really let's it down is the sound quality. It could be a little better and you should really rope in some mates to do some voices rather then you do most of them, but still a damn good try

still good

Another great tutorial dude! Keep showing these fools how it's done!


Saw this originally on Deviantart, good stuff you won't be disappointed... Unless you don't like Disney or FF but then again if you didn't why the hell would you be looking at this?


Some not bad animation however the movie didn't really go anywhere, sorry dude but you'd either have to be drunk or hate nerds with a passion to find it funny...

So you're the infamous Piconjo...

I've seen your name mentioned a few times around here, but if this movie is anything to go by you're just like most of the other below par artists... crap, sexually frustrated and looking for attention! Dare I say it at the start this movie actually looked like it was going somewhere! But once the graphics suddenly changed to 5 minute job stuff and you started sharing your sexual desires it just became retarded... like most other Flash artists at your level...

Can't beat these proper colaberations...

There's no denying there is some sweet talent in this movie, but at the same time I'd like to see some more structured work from frame by frame artists such as yourselfs to see what you're truly capable of. Also for the record my fave was the last one ^^


Weird set of movies but entertaining to watch for different reasons. What I'm still trying to work out is how you programmed a clock in the first movie (something I intend to use in one of my best movie ideas), what the words say under the magnifying glass in the 2nd and why the 4th movie doesn't work at all! Care to shed some light? =P


You've done it again dude! What I can't work out is how you're managing to make a really good quality tutorial movie once a day! Great quality as per usual, I salute you! Now all I need to do is get my studies out the way, stop being lazy and get back to flash animating!

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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