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So part 3's here... not bad

I've had mixed feelings about this series since the storys been so random, but it can't be denied it's enjoyable to see what happens next... roll on part 4

rofl omg XD

Omg the girls voice is hilarious XD every time I thought it was over there was something else afterwards, thumbs up man great stuff XD

ho boy...

I'll admit I'm kinda fond of this anime series because it's the only bloody one you can get hold of legit in the UK... (cept the movie I swear the director was smoking crack when he made that shit). The Shinji with what looked like a hunchback at the loading screen was a far from promising start, yet I still gave this a chance... hats off to you for finding an interesting new format of doing these collection movies in, in fact I dare you to do an intro on all future instalements now!

Given the past track record of these collections and how I've been trying to understand this mad ass anime, I had an awful feeling of what was going to be under each contribution button, with a garenteed emo sex joke somewhere since that weirdo Shinji's always getting called emo and it's these movies trademark gag *sees the newspaper gag* lmao well I never saw that one coming XD

Seems like it's buissness as per usual with you guys... *shrugs and looks elsewhere at other stuff*

Oh christ is it over yet...

I swear VGDC would neaver endorse this shit! This was just plain painful to watch... good job for a first movie I suppose but this still stays in the blam category in my book


I loved the first version of this! So when I saw this uploaded I had to drop everything I was doing and take a look! However I was disappointed because all you did was add some sound! You got a great idea here if you're going to make new versions try adding more jokes or padding it out more since it seems very fast paced, in fact you know what this lacks the most? It really needs a narrator...

lmao wtf

Turd is right! Sorry dude but you sounded like a stoner XD

The freak returns...

The original was impressive if not dark and emo like anything and this doesn't dissapoint as a sequel! You even put subtitles for it in 10 languages! Unless you have a fear for this kind of dark and gory stuff I have nothing I can fault this on really...

lol neaver get tired of pkmn parodies

I hate that game series with a passion, so I was glad to see this! I notice you're the same guy who did chick magnet, your style of art and humour is not bad keep up the good work and who knows where you'll get to around here!

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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