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More swift 3D I'm sure of it although the other movie is better. I share your love of music but surely there's more you can do then just people dancing...

Music can convey images, thoughts and emotions... especially the ones with no lyrics then the only limit is your imagination, if you're sticking with the msuic theme I would be most interested to see what you can come up with if you go down that route...

sweet... not sure what else can be said...

Lacking in the story department, but when the animation is this good who cares? I'm positive you used swift 3D for this but there's nothing wrong with that, because if you did this make this an excellent showcase of what it can do.

Although I personally hated most of the music you used for this, it would be ignorant of me to mark it down because of that. This is worthy of the top 20 on this site on technical skill alone...

P.S. the MP3 display name for the song doesn't change! Doh! Still good stuff though...

that's it? -_-

Decent style here but you really need to work on your story telling and jokes, this just went nowhere... ¬_¬

WHAT? Ah geese another waste of time

Man no-one gives a rats ass you defected from the clocks to locks... though the clocks have a better rep... but not by much...


I'm divided on this one... the very first thing I thought was that this was really an attempt to sell a new product, but you can't even be accused of that because you don't charge money for it. I dunno if this is a valid shortcut which will become the norm in the future or there's some kind of hidden catch... but wait we're going beyond the point here... doesn't this flash movie still count as advertising? Gah I dunno wether to blam this or what! @_@

ok... o_o

The only thing that entertained me was the costumes and knuckles lol worthy scream, the rest really needs work... but hey a good story can often save a movie, and the one used here was pretty reasonable

... ah man...

I thought this was a great parody apart from looking unfinished, then I read on another review the sound is from aqua teen hunger force... it's still funny but now the magic is gone... damn you! >.<

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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