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Ah yes... these semi innocent movies never fail to make me smile, especially since on the net they're a surprisingly rare thing... this was one of the highlights of my day especially after the arguement I just had with someone. Thanks for making this Joanne it reminded me why I got interested in flash in the first place

"buy some useless crap today" XD

The thumbnail gave me the impression the creator was obsessed with the Ren and Stimpy style, but this is only half the truth because unlike at least half the Ren and Stimpy series this is funny!

The comic timing and everything about this is great! It's Offensive in a funny way but it knows where to draw the line unlike a lot of flash animation I've seen... dunno what else to say... certainly worthy of the portal top 20 at the very least...

lmao... abandoned collab...

You call this an abandoned collab? I can't see any difference between this and your usual stuff... XD

More of the same... but hey whatever makes you happy...

AlbinoClock responds:

No. You're dumb, learn to read. Work It was a FROM an abandoned collab, so I put it here because I like it.

hmm... nope... same buissness as usual...

Never noticed before that these were 'time trial' movies which partly explains why they tend to mostly suck since your time trial to complete must be about a day or less... only a godlike animator or a lifeless hermit could make something good in that time and you are niether of these.

I do understand one thing about the locks and glocks now... it's a cult attempt to have a common style to make it easier to bring people together... and of course there's the pissing people off which you must find orgasmic because it's made the various cults that do it at least double (first the star syndicate, clockcrew not so much but then also piconjo, locks, isonfire, the power rangers and of course you guys...)

The main reason you guys suck though is most the movies you make are all the bloody same! A individual style of each animator rarily comes accross because the WTF formula and OMG MOTION TWEENING OF MY GLOCK WHO PWNS J00 ALL! Is almost always the same!

But hey you guys all the want to be the same like a bunch of wiggers, cheerleaders or basically jackasses and get sexual pleasure from pissing people off to each their own... just don't be exspected to get paid for it like a job because you'll have plenty of company ¬_¬

TheGlockGroup responds:


Are you expecting people to read that shit?


More of the same, whatever meaning these flash movies have was lost long ago and this collection doesn't even have relevance to the menu or even the author comments.

Yep Buissness as usual for the stars... the buissness of sucking and taking any and all the attention they can get... now make yourself famous somewhere OUTSIDE newgrounds and your own little cult site... I'd like to see that happen... XD

TheStarSyndicate responds:


Or maybe not because it's only funny when we're bothering the morons that visit this site. For example, YOU.


The fact this was protected is exactly why this has an underdog award because of the reviewers who arn't biased speaking the truth. This shouldn't really be here... this movie has no redeeming features whatsoever and is just a bunch of members from the lock cult goofing around...

lol well this is a surprise...

The graphics are deceiving, this is twice as good as it first looks to start with. You have a moderatly good sence of humour! Keep on doing movies at least this good and you could possibly go places...

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

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