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o_o not another bloody one -_-

When I saw the title I thought you might be onto a stroke of genius here only turns out this was just tossed together all your base rubbish I've seen countless times before on other subjects I'd be worried if you spent more time then just a day on this for that matter it's that bad.

The newbish use of image editing software made me want to throw up for the most part and I suppose this has a decent score because of the hentai image at the end... you guys crack me up the way you eat gimmicks like flies on a piece of crap XD

I'm turning to a clock/lock/glock nooooooooo! O_O

Holy shit I laughed at a couple of these maybe I'm the one with a virus like they had since I normally slate a lot of glock, lock and clock movies >.>

Best ones were definatly breadfruit lock's starting animation and the ones with master lock. The water cycle gag is the best gag I've ever heard from a lock movie XD

In the words of sven... YAY!

Funny how some people are slating this I found this funnier then most of your other stuff, guess they're used to a more no brainer sence of humour or something... The speech at the start was funny enough but the heaven and hell thing was my kind of funny 'wtf gag' XD

style over substance... "TO THE EXTREME!!!!"

I've seen your stuff before so I already knew your animation and drawing style rocked and has only got better, but for a first part of a series for one episode the way the story played out was frankly just plain weak... I mean come on random IBS... that's really scraping the barrel for jokes -_-

ah man...

A tribute to old skool Sonic before the voices and other crap like big the cat (possibly one of the most retarded characters ever)... a solid movie just a shame you never finished it... then it would be a must see for every fan...

TheBroodian responds:

Thank you, I'm honored to recieve such a review. That was exactly what I was trying to achieve.


5 people worked on another one of these review mocking flashs? Yeah right... decent graphics here but nothing else... and strawberry clock isn't even in the list of people... and before you even say it I'm aware it's coolboyman... stop trying to cover each others asses to give yourself more credibility -_-


Dude were you being serious or joking? you can never be sure on the net XD Certainly made me lol since I didn't read the authors comments first though

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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