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UCFD... meh who cares... ¬_¬

UCFD... I've known about you guys for a while... not that I nor anyone with a half decent IQ could care less. I wondered when you guys were gonna rear your ugly head with another anti foamy movie to add to the growing list, guess here it is... well animated for what it is but newsflash... no-one cares... the only signs of anything funny here I haven't seen done a million times before was the gag of having wade at the yaoi furry convention XD The rest of this the creator of foamy himself would be laughing at if he could be bothered to even look.

Frankiedaman responds:

lots of people care sunshine *pat pat*.
now run along and play with the foxes, badgers and other furry animals. YIFF YIFF. -=^.^=-

... another one of these... how original...

I should have took one look at the name power ranger white and known this was a turd of a movie... this was even worse then stuff by the star syndicate because at least they have something different behind each button!

Go back to your video games and shit martial arts shows and leave the flash movies to people who know what they're doing -_-

not bad

The voices were practically perfect you picked some good choices whoever they were, however the animation wasn't quite as up to scratch to go with it which is a shame... still good job though

the hell o_O lol

Halo fanboys make me want to stab them in the eye with a pen knife, but bloody hell this was actually a good movie. It had bugger all to do with the real story (was there much of one to begin with? @_@) but hey it was a laugh so who cares?!

P.S. he doesn't really keep saying homerun like a macho man catchphrase does he? -_-

you two again eh?

ille_duci enjoyed watching a game/cartoon character jackoff? Wtf... still this is the internet after all I should be getting used to fucked up things like that by now ¬_¬

I had a feeling you two would be back but your stuff still suffers fom the same problem as last time, you're too busy being sexually frustrated most of the rest of the movie goes out the window.

P.S. lol at scorpions random cowboy hat though

Brick-Toppp responds:

I think the problem with most sonic flashes on newgrounds is that they're not sexually frustrated enough.

rofl... ah man it's over? =(

I'm more a Sonic fan myself but this is undeniably good viewing... as for MajinPiccolo? Dude this movie owns most his stuff for free! This is the ONLY sprite movie flash that's ever made me laugh on every gag! That has to be the sign of a lot of thought put into the jokes here because I don't laugh at any old crap...

o_O bloody hell celeb acting whatever next >.>

The animation here was reasonable and could probably be seen on TV as a short, but I never exspected the likes of Roger Moore as the voice of santa clause in a flash movie!

The only other celebrity I've seen willing do vocals for a flash movie is 'Macho Man' Randy Savage, but to be honest they're not really in the same league. Although the animation wasn't jaw droppingly good the fact an actor with such high status in Hollywood done voice acting says a lot about how respected the professional side of flash animation is becoming, it makes me prouder for learning this program myself now XD

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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