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hmm... nahh...

If this is just game footage this is soooo getting blammed... no wait it's something almost just as bad... absolute basic level stop frame animation! Now don't get me wrong there appears to have been some work gone into this, but it's too boring to put it simply and unless your animation looks amazing, no-ones going to give a shit how long it took you they're just going to go on entertainment value. My advice for you if you want some newgrounds fame? Spend less time playing CS and more time on FLASH!


Wow I loved the style of humour and graphics on that, I was cracking up on countless occassions. My only complaints were the sound was at bad quality in places and you fucked up the colours of the English flag, but other then that it's all good XD

Skruggs responds:

The sound, I had too as much as I didnt want to, I had to somehow take 2 meg off the file size.

And as for the flag, I actually did that on purpose just so that image wouldnt be too boring.

WTF... o_O how did I know it would end like that..

The music gave me a weird bit of nostalga, it actually surprised me since the buildup of the song before the giveaway lyrics reminded me of something else. You have a nice drawing style but the old humping joke has been done to death and it's shit! All that was missing here was robotic cocks >.<... if you had added those I most certainly would have blammed this, it's your drawing style that was the saving grace this time around...

izax-1 responds:

I didn't know that transformer anal fucking jokes were done to death. :( Oh and there was a roboticock somewhere in the movie. Watch it again.

meh not too bad I guess

I have to try a movie about videogames and see how well it does, because when you hide behind existing franchises to make jokes around it tends to make it more successful. That's not to say this is crap just wasn't funny..

woah shit!

I'm normally not a bloodthristy person but that... jesus that was stylish despite how short it was! Actually reminded me of an idea I'm working on that I'm too afriad to start yet in case I screw it up. Overall can't wait to see what happens next so you must've done a good job!

DoomGirlMeg responds:

Thanks so much! Yeah, we're all buzzing with ideas now. Even though we're very tired. 2:30 in the morning... School tomarrow. Please look for our next instalment, and thanks for the review. ^_^

What the hell... lmao

Nicely done! I must admit 'toilet humour' isn't my favorite style of comedy, but this is undeniably hilarious in places on a first viewing! Poor bunny... ROFL! XD

what the... o_O

It's weird, disturbing, random and funny all at the same time! Apart form peoples hatred of the Matrix I think watching future instalements of this could be interesting... or was this just a parody teaser?

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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