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Great idea for a movie, because of all these morons that mod games online to make them 'better' which is not always the truth. Although there was very little signs of actual animation, there was some moments of comic genius, like when the redneck lost his internet connection.

From the point the entire blue team got blown up however the rest of the movie was crappy, but since that was the finale that stills leaves a mostly decent movie...


Wow I'm glad my secret project isn't ready yet or I'd have this to compete with ^^; Your animation style for these has become instantly recognisable and it has to be said has also improved. However something about this one didnt seem as good I'm not sure, it might be the gags or the lack of extra things in the background you had in the second edition for example that got you to rewatch the movie, a very solid movie nonetheless though...


Neaver seen a flash movie before with just chibis, this kinda reminded me of south park only it wasn't as distrubing... OMG TEH MUFFIN! X_X keep up the good work


You gotta be kidding me... an average of 3/5 for this... bloody cunning if nothing else... because you've made very little effort apart from that ship at the start (which I have doubts you even made yourself) and the rest of this movie can be summed up as a fanboy mixture of madness and Halo... been there... done that... got the T-shirt and it was better then this...


Looks suspiously like something from a art website involving your page views, however the saving grace here is the obvious amount of time spent on the animation. You certainly have potential, but I doubt this particular movie will get much attention...

KenSkaii responds:

thats what it is. from an art website. yeah. i doubt this movie will get much attention either. i just dont have anything else to post at the moment

blammed you say... hmmm i wonder why... ¬_¬

WhoCaresClock? That's a very appropriate name actually lol. I've heard of safety in numbers but this takes the turd cake...

I'll have to remeber that equation that lots of flash crap = a good movie... it seems to work a hell of a lot around here... ¬_¬

welcome to the spam archives! *shakes the creators hand and points him in the direction of a massive queue of movies*


The old infinate worlds within worlds idea, but the strange thing is I don't think it's ever been done in Flash before! Certainly one of the more unique movies on newgrounds, if this had anything to be faulted on it's that the loop should be longer, but at the same time it's a looping animation for a reason...


Remeber the first one of these and it's great to see you still have that great sence of humour. Obviously for anyone anti harry potter or doesn't even know what this is won't understand a fucking bit of this, but hey sucks to be them...

only complaints I have is on one part you can see a guideline left over from when you were making it and you can't read the text on the profiles! Other then that though pretty amusing like the previous edition...

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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