Different to the others o_o but truly awesome...
You can't argue with a frame by frame animation on this level, and if you do it just shows how clueless you really are about animation! Few flash artists can make me sound like a fanboy but that's because few flash artists can come even close to this level.
This is a testament to modern day animation, but it also doesn't forget animations extremly important frame by frame roots which is easily the most important thing to bear in mind here. There's some cunning movie quality changes here too as it plays out so you don't see any slow down, and any tweening is almost non exisistant! I would list people who abuse tweening to death but as they know who they are so I won't bother naming and shaming >.>
Sites like newgrounds would not even exist if skills like the ones displayed here were not pioneered long ago by the animation greats. This is the result of skills that took years of dedication to master, and once you realise that this flash is as terrifying as it is beautiful to watch.