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This should stay in the top 100 at the very least, but staying number 1 is unlikely cause of the whole 'furry' thing alone... I know it's not right to think like that, but that's how so many people around here do. Some awesome frame by frame fluidness here (is that even a word?!) but I can't help feeling this is another one of those great teasers for something that never gets made... props to you for this movie at any rate

great... another "look at me! I'm weird!"

Decent skills shown here, but the story had all the flair of a crack head who's watched waaaaay too much simpsons while getting high... how about trying again when you're not stoned... >.>


I was worried this was going to be the new clock crew but this was something waaaaaaaay better then that, decent style and good gags hats off to you sir =)

p.s. what's with the sync problem you mention on there?

Nutcasenightmare responds:

Yeah, it's better than a red-colored letter B, eh?

And the sync problem, I found, was that the sound goes faster than the animation.


Small moments of humour here but I still stick with what I've always said about this series, it's popular for all the wrong reasons... read the red comment for 'saland figers omg' and you'll see what I mean... stop ass kissing david firth... OPPS! I mean jerry jackson... because crap is still crap no matter who makes it and this is anything BUT frontpage material. It's not even a case of satire here when newgrounds already stinks of satire half assed movies like this...


Personally I've never watched the anime but I was pretty impressed by your version of the style. What really got me though was that you did ALL the voices too! Too talented... @_@ *ish jealose*

dude.... XD

You might have spelled victim wrong but that was part of the charm of this movie. Not sure what else to say here really except a freshing new take on the creator vs creation concept, this deserves to be at least part of a collection if not the frontpage.

o.o lol 100th episode spectacular =P

What to say to a 'pro' like nathan malone who even added his mates in an attempt that they could protect each others work... well 2 things really don't quit your day job and... oh yeah! Quality NOT quantity... anyone can crap out a load of flash movies but it takes REAL talent to get one right that's voted higher then anything else you've made

P.S. I have a sense of humour it's just I've seen this style done to death so much it's lost all meaning it once had, that and any other website these attention seeking movies would be blammed to kingdom come.

Reply and say whatever the hell you like because I doubt it will be anything worth listening to, I've seen so many flash 'artists' who make stuff just like you if I got paid for spotting them I'd be rich by now...

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:

I've had 3 animations in the top 50, and have a good pile of awards for flash I cared about and worked hard on.
So yeah, I think I've earned the right to piss off a bunch of people.
And beleive it or not, most of my cartoons have quality.
I do put work into my flash.
But honestly, you are far and beyond a hypocrite. Lecturing me (like you have nothing better to do) about how Quality < Quantity.
And then....you have IllwillPress in your favorite authors? The guy who has made nearly 500 cartoons with about 6 drawings that he reuses? Are you kidding?

You clearly have not seen any of my work or know who I am, nor do I care who you are, so really whatever mind-blowing point you tried to make in that review is ignorant and trivial.


I remeber catching a glimpse of some of these in the production phase nice to know it came together well, not sure what else to say really except rock on...

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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