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You took this long newgrounds? "GET SERIOUS!" XD

You wouldn't have even known about this if someone didn't point it out to you on that forum topic! Maybe you should spend less time praising stuff like Jerry Jackson =P. Props to the guy who made this (saw it on DA not long after it's release) but bad job on newbgrounds part to not recognise this sooner

ThomasTruong responds:

Who's Jerry Jackson?


I've always had an interest in this series yet found it amusing that some of the contributors were part of fads themselves like the pikachu guy I remeber from an older one. I didn't personally agree with the bitey attack since that guy's got where he is by working his ass off, but I guess there's that whole "ain't no-body safe" factor for you attacking him too.

P.S. more SS pwning plz, and if you want a reason then how about hoaxing they were giving up when they weren't >.>

Radioactive24 responds:

Like I said, we don't hate anyone or envy them. Chris(Asteroth420) LUFFS Chluaid. So does pretty much everyone. AFD5 is our way of tributing our favorite characters and animators. And NeoPikachu is gonna try and be in for AFD6 :P

- Radioactive24

not bad... ish....

Very well done in the graphics department even if the pariing of neo genesis and dragonballz is one of the most ridiculous I've ever heard ^^; the only problem is this style in flash is a bitch to do in frame by frame animation and it shows here, as you quite often do what appears to be tweening instead. Anywho summing up... graphics good, animation so so and story almost laughable ^^;


For some reason your style reminds me of adam phillips when he first started using flash... curious... Anywho this was short and pretty random stuff here but well made and the GOOD kind of random... XD

Violence ftw? Nah seen it all before...

Some great skills displayed here in particular with the gore but that's not too surprising given this styles track record... only problem was I felt more like I was watching someone playing a videogame then a movie, which makes everything about it almost totally souless... and that my friend I have seen many a time done before...

lolz XD

There needs to be more parodys of comic cons/cosplay events like this because those peeps takes themselves waaay too seriously XD. Good stuff here, only things I could fault it on was there was no real background noise when they got to the event only the characters talking and sometimes in the car on the road it looked like they wasn't even moving! @_@

rofl XD

I can't beleive he actually said that! I've seen some of his characters talk shit in films but talking shit in real life? Shame on you Sam you used to be cool XD

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

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