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I may or may not like this... who could tell...

songstowearpantsto ftw, I hope the guy knows you've made this because long as he doesn't mind you using the sound I'm sure he'll love it

squeakytoad responds:

He lets me and other animators use his stuff.
Then we show them to him and each other on his forums.
I've done one of his songs "Sad, Sad Toaster Made of Glass" in my animation "The Glass Toaster" before.
I really want to do some more of his stuff. I love it.

o_o wow...

Easily one of the most interesting collabs I've seen for a while, I'm kicking myself actually for not taking part XD, props for such a unique idea

clear tron inflences... but who cares? XD

The thing that really sets this apart is not only the style, but the way you've disguised the animation so it no longer looks just like vectors which has to be one of flash's biggest flaws. I recommend everyone who knows how to that they should fullscreen view this movie if your pc can handle it... hey presto instant rave video!

gah... @_@

I had a whole series in mind in a similar style to this although probably with less sprites, seems all my damn studies has meant someones beat me to it which I'll be gareteed to be compared to *sigh*

P.S. rofl @ sonic tunnel scene XD

Sonucais responds:

*sigh* That wasnt a great review about the movie after all :/

"there's no fucking chair!!!" good times... XD

This is a perfect example of how you confine random humour to a scene in one place, structure and randomity in equal measure, the best of both worlds XD

Great but not your best

I've seen your movies before and this doesn't disappoint in terms of your skills, however looking at this more closely I'm surprised you've started work on what's basically one of the first USA made 'fanservice' mangas, although I'd have to see more to know for sure.

I only hope for your sake this has better substance for story then similar looking anime/mangas like grenadier, green green and to a less extent chobits which are all lmao bad at times... even though they pretend to have a story everyone knows deep down the creators only really had one thing on their minds >.>

wtf? lol same old same old on a whole new level...

Clearly there's some kind of inside joke going on here, more then likely between the clocks and their buttmonkey connections in high places on this website... opps did I say that out loud? XD

Unless there's a hidden movie somewhere there's little more to be said here, the animation could have been a lot worse, has one decent gag and a story put together with all the finese of a crackhead, 2 years ago this might have been funny "lolz I.R. number 1" but now it's just a recycled tired concept.

O_O lol how did I miss this XD

A Truly classic stick movie! I didn't even know newgrounds had a copy of this! Ladies and gentlemen if you need inspiration for how random humour movies SHOULD be done then look no further...

o.o nice but...

This will be completly lost on anyone who knows nothing about the game or was too ignorant to play through it. Your take on the story reminds me very much of peoples general opinion with the backstory you never actually see. However apart from a few moments, I felt like I was watching the storyboard rather then a finished thing... possible confusion with your style there but otherwise good stuff

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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