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Not bad at all for a first movie... reminds me of the ideas I get for music vids only I don't bother making cause I think they'd be crap.. but that's just me ^^;

Very promsing first flash... just a shame it looks unfinished

oh great another 'collab'

Really getting sick of these made in 10 minutes collabs, but some of this was funny (mainly the darth vader "noooo" scene like strawberry clock, and the bouncing baby heads) congrats on joining the spam archives boys... you got plenty of company... ¬_¬

TheStarSyndicate responds:

mainly the other spam created by this group. The spam group. That makes spam.


Pretty quality stuff, though I'd be surprised if this got on MTV because it's so controversial and makes you need to think too much. As far as I know MTV likes to stick with more lighthearted stuff, don't get me wrong this is by no means a bad movie but it's chances of TV broadcast I'm really not sure about...

professor-fate responds:

Hmm... call me dumb, but I don't follow...? It makes you think too much, huh.


Don't think I've seen a Mario sprite movie with such an innocent joke before... nice refreshing change for around here that's for sure, because it's more like probably what might happen in Mario world XD... keep up the good work =)


Not bad tribute... I half exspected this to be just sprites but the vector drawings put some nice added varity to it. Ah dammit... this makes me want to look for naruto episodes again... ¬_¬

yo... WTF...

If this was ripping off Ren and stimpy much more you might as well call it a tribute movie. You did use a couple of odd bits of you own ideas but as a whole... just... o_O *sees Ren and Stimpy in the court scene then the following humerous madness after* well shit... XD promise here for sure just stick more with YOUR ideas man @_@

Working time: What year is this? XD

I remeber the first one of these.... seems things have gone quite a long way since then... I almost fell off my chair it surprised me so much when I realised all the characters have voices now... and pretty good ones at that, especially Shadow it was spot on!

roll on reel 2...

ampedMIKAEL responds:

Yup, the voice actors did a very good job!


Never seen your stuff before, but I like your style and this certainly makes me want to see more... loved the guy in the suit trying to keep his speech going "this is not a blooper!" XD

Nice... o_O

Always enjoy watching your stuff and I pity the fool who basically thinks "it's japanese style and there's not even porn.... GAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

Dunno what else to say really, cool preview... but the question is when will we actually get to see the story for one of these rather then previews? oh well...

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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