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Epic because it takes that long to finish!

This reminded me of a couple of games which I couldn't remember at first, then it hit me this was a kind of mix of sokoban (sp?) and chips challenge, the latter I recall being VERY hard to complete, only this game doesn't have sections where you have to time your movements carefully.

It's well made that can't be denied, the only flaws I found were the learning curve was all over the place (tutorial IS possible to finish you just have to explore all your options) and that using the grid view on ice maps means you can't see a damn thing. For anyone else playing this, a casual gamers game this isn't! Only hardcore puzzlers and people with the patience of a saint need apply, because you'll be playing this for a loooong time.

I'm surprised this only got daily 4th, but I can only assume that's because the difficultly turns so unforgiving in places.


I dunno if chuck norris is loved for being a naff actor or people think he's a good one *snickers* this was semi lol but needs more game references i tell you! more!

funny for like... the first 5 seconds...

I'm on a "put back my old deleted reviews" rampage today... what can you say about this movie really? It's just another clock crew beats all fanboy flash. Considering the clocks would protect this no matter what it was it losses any point to it after that 5 seconds XP

o.o woah

Some people just want all the answers on a plate without even trying to look... *cough* DeadEyedCat *cough* I'm not really a big fan of these kind of games, but the angle you chose to use was a very creative metaphor and made the whole thing a lot more refreshing to look at. This is already a classic but if you made a full size game in a similar vain to this (kind of on the scale of myst for example) you'd arguably have one of the best flash games ever made...

P.S. how the hell did you record mobile phone interference noise? XD

Plays like it's unfinished at best

A so so game... for an archer with a bounty on his head his skills are pretty lame tbh. Needs the arrow gravity tweaked and an actually useful jump besides avoiding getting shot in the foot would be nice too...

fission mailed... XD

I got about halfway through this even though I don't know why half the answers were what they were, strangly this is fun despite the insain nature of it all, not sure what else to say really just don't make too many sequels or it will lose it's charm

o_o wow talk about random I just got the polo thing! That's some awesome free thinking right there... teach me oh wise one XD

Epic indeed... but too much like a book perhaps

You can't possibly question the quality of the information here, the only thing you could knock here is you not making more use of interactivity flash can offer. You strike me more as a theory/coding based flash user which is why there isn't more visual explaination beyond some screenshots. The information is good without question it's just your method of presenting it might need revising. I'm favoriting this for obvious reasons, but if you were to team up with someone like the people behind "The Big Fat Tutorial" you'd have the best tutorial flash movie on the whole website!

Al6200 responds:

I considered screencasting during the development, but I opted against it because I don't really think that's what I'm best at. I think I'm more of a verbal person.

One idea I've had that seems interesting would be to allow users to type in code, and then have a system that analyzes it. For example, if the user typed in "function r(password:String) {
if(password == ;
it would tell the user that there's a security threat because the user could enter in the text: "1 OR true" and have the if finish as password == 1 OR true, which will always be true, meaning the user need not enter the right password.

Also, I could have a system which analyzes the code and tells the user if there are any pitfalls, and allows them to test specific functions and debug them. Maybe...

But that's all very complicated, and I'd probably make a whole new project for that, since it'd be quite an undertaking.


Some interesting insight here, shows me the kind of information some of the members use to abuse the system. Although I don't completly aggree with your reviewing guidelines there's definatly some useful info here, my only seggestion for this is to add a section about ways of getting movies more public exposure if they failed to reach frontpage like submitting it to collections for example.

highwatermark responds:

Actually, I'm not experienced in that area. All my non-award winning flashes are now "dead" :(

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

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