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so so...

wow... I can imagine the hate mail from anti Anime animators already, although they should really try basing their knowledge on more then just shitty dubs in american.

Anywho I'm guessing you're not fluent in Japanese due to the really basic dialog which is fair enough, but you can't do a setup like a series with that angle unless you can keep up the Japanese or it's going to fall apart at the seams. Work on better jokes and your Japanese or try another flash movie angle that's easier to pull off... it's your call...

mackain responds:

tnx for the advice.
yeah i know that our japanese is not the best, but we are learning;) and dont worry, we already have the scripts for the next episodes so its not going to fal apart because of the languade^^
it's always nice to get good serious feedback from time to time

oh newgrounds you... XD

Not like newgrounds to put an animation test like this on the frontpage, but you seem to have become the most popular English flash animator I know so some newgrounds love came into it methinks, I'm not disputing the quality of the work, but it's not every day one gag from a movie/tv show/cartoon recreated in cartoon form gets put on the frontpage.

Wonchop responds:

Actually that title most likely goes to the Super Flash Bros. I need to be in more Legendary Frog collabs before I can compete with that. XD

erm.. of this was made in flash? XD

I'm guessing someone has photoshop CS3 or aftereffects or something because there was NO WAY that was made purely in flash! It would have a heart attack if you attempted that level of detail @_@

touched responds:

The backgrounds were made in Photoshop 7, and OpenCanvas.

o_o are you kidding? lol XD

I'm by no means dissing your skills but there's a irony to how this made frontpage, you're suggesting admins playing favoritism makes them look stupid... and yet that's exactly how this movie got here! Still tom and co put this there not you XD

rtil responds:

too bad this movie is not about newgrounds.

A 'deity' made this? lolz

God bless that 'flawless' newgrounds system... I seriously can't figure out if this was a tribute or one of those lolz gay flashes. Judging by your "lolz I have reply fuck you powers" I'd say it was a parody which is fair enough, but you forgot the bed scene! That had to have the biggest homo overtones of all, u lose goodday sir =P

MuesliBar responds:

Is your ass loose? Maybe you should tell Uncle Bob to take it easy.

I 'voted 5' overall so no worries lol...

I sometimes seriously wonder if the reviewers have guns pointed at the back of their heads when they review clock crew movies. The Phoenix Wrong craze idea is so so to begin with, but someone from the clock crew making their version of it is just... lol...

KKyuubi responds:

They might as well do have guns.

I may or may not like this... who could tell...

songstowearpantsto ftw, I hope the guy knows you've made this because long as he doesn't mind you using the sound I'm sure he'll love it

squeakytoad responds:

He lets me and other animators use his stuff.
Then we show them to him and each other on his forums.
I've done one of his songs "Sad, Sad Toaster Made of Glass" in my animation "The Glass Toaster" before.
I really want to do some more of his stuff. I love it.

gah... @_@

I had a whole series in mind in a similar style to this although probably with less sprites, seems all my damn studies has meant someones beat me to it which I'll be gareteed to be compared to *sigh*

P.S. rofl @ sonic tunnel scene XD

Sonucais responds:

*sigh* That wasnt a great review about the movie after all :/

lol... but this is still in the wrong place...

I still think this should be on somewhere like youtube rather then here since this will no doubt go on the frontpage >.> but you'd have to know nothing about videogames to not find their newb skills the slightest bit amusing XD

FarFromSubtle responds:

Thanks for watching dude!

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

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