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reminded me of a cross between rib ribbon and DDR. I got a perfect score so I must've had fun ^^ only complaints I have are I have no idea what they were saying and there's only one song @_@

Onigirlluvr responds:

yes but there are tons of Onigirl games to play in the portal look around! and Thanks!

not bad

not bad little game the main things that let it down though are the music was too short and got annoying quickly and control method would have probably been better if it was the arrow keys rather then the mouse


Been done before by another person... twice! It was nothing too impressive then and it certainly isn't any better now...


Don't think anyone else has ever done how to draw Manga and Anime tutorials before in Flash, for me this is a cool break from the norm, (plus the fact I'm learning the drawing style myself -_-)

Think I'll keep an eye on your stuff...

very nice

Isn't every day I play a flash game through to the end so this must have been quality! I never played this on the NES but I played a similar game on the Atari which was a major bitch. I'll spare repeating anything that has already been said but I will say this, the idiots who low rated this game either don't like retro graphics they suck at this game or they don't like these kind of games altogether. In all three cases don't take their bullshit seriously, because they don't understand the work that went into this.


Idea wise it shouldn't be fun yet it is!... Great unique use of a webcam and some amusing dance combinations are possible ^^"


Normally I don't like sounds boards but GIR is too cool a charcter for an otherwise shit show to ignore. This was Great fun to play around with, the only classic lines I think you missed is his entended hellllloo which sounds silly and when Zim thinks the next door baby is an alien and tells GIR to pretend they suspect nothing, GIR aggrees then promptly shouts...


Enjoyed this but mostly due to the fact GIR is one of the coolest random charcters I've ever seen XD


A break from the norm with tutorials explaining more about animation theory then through exercises, however my only complaint is the final animations loose sync which is kinda disappointing after everything else leading up to it


I was only mucking around with that for like 5 minutes and... Dude... 2 thumbs up! To any other dudes who don't like this kind of music GET LOST! Leave the fun for the rest of us! This is the coolest thing I've seen in Flash for some time... ROCK ON! My most excellent Flash artist friend...


You need a lesson on colour schemes that was a headache to look at and the robotic voice was annoying too. These made this for the most part a choir to go through, but to get the full picture of this flash quiz it had to be done. Also I'm not impressed with the following question...

Which came first?

Fifa 2000
Athens 2004

Any halfwit should know Mario was around before all of them due to his appearance in Donkey Kong, and yet you put it as a WRONG ANSWER! Tetris is old I aggre but it didn't go comercial until after Mario. You may be able to argue me on that but one thing you can't argue me on is one of the questions on the end, Tekken Bowling is on Tekken Tag god dammit! I'm not wasting any more time on this... if you're going to do something like this at least get your facts right FFS...

SepirothX responds:

I changed the answer to the Tekken question but i Forgot to Publish it and i Wont argue about the Mario thing because I wasnt probably born then And that wasnt a robotic voice that was my voice

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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