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the hell?

Impressive vector art... though why someone would waste this on the likes of piconjo is beyond me... I don't know how much truth there is to this story... if any... but if he did pass away all I can say is apart from the love message he always had (and no not THAT kind of love the sexually frustrated hoes) what a waste of a life ¬_¬

DAIRYDOG responds:

Piconjo died for your sins.

ah geese... TAKE A HINT!

I said it before I'll say it again... by all means make a flash movie group but FFS we DO NOT need another bunch of clock wannabes with a copy of speakonia and too much free time... until you try something more of you own design you'll be nothing but a bunch of nobody fanboys...


sunglock responds:

I didn't use speakonia at all, you peasant

o_O hmm...

Neaver seen this series before but for some reason I enjoyed this more then a lot of the sprite movies I've seen, I guess it might be because of the random bits of humour you put inbetween the main story... anyways keep up the good work

Heran-Bago responds:

Random is likely my specialty. Still, nothing special. Glad to hear you liked it.


Yeah yeah we all know the metal gear soundtrack rocks... but how about FINISHING the movie? -_-

tom0 responds:


oh snap O_O

Didn't realise these daily toons could be this varied, this has the biggest collection I've seen yet. From the retarded wtfs to the hilarious movies with excellent comic timing, this has something for everyone I guess...

If all the collections had this as varied a set of movies in them I'd have nothing against you guys... this is the only time I think you've actually deserved one of these movies being protected! ¬_¬

TheStarSyndicate responds:



Not bad in the animation stakes... but as for the idea does the phrase Icantcolourin mean anything to you?

Bonzerelie responds:

Yer! icantcolourin has the best of this type of animation, and always will have.


It's funny but for all the wrong reasons... It's like watching a tramp holding onto a bag of shit because it's the most precious thing he owns! XD

for your own sakes I'd rethink why these were blammed in the first place before going back to flash... ¬_¬

TJN001 responds:



Looks suspiously like something from a art website involving your page views, however the saving grace here is the obvious amount of time spent on the animation. You certainly have potential, but I doubt this particular movie will get much attention...

KenSkaii responds:

thats what it is. from an art website. yeah. i doubt this movie will get much attention either. i just dont have anything else to post at the moment

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

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