Not bad at all
Loved the graphics but I only found "Deuche are FUN 2!!" funny, loved your taste in music though! Keep up the good work ^_^
Not bad at all
Loved the graphics but I only found "Deuche are FUN 2!!" funny, loved your taste in music though! Keep up the good work ^_^
WTF episode 45?
Seems I missed the main part of this long running cult, if this is anything go by the reason it's up to episode 45 is because you make the episodes too short. You must have done a good job though because the strange humour has got me curious about the rest of the 44 epsiodes...
Didn't think it was funny to start with, I thought you were cashing in on the idea that sailing and saying sound like saiyan. But from the point where they kept desperately trying to sing in rhyme and Goku got more and more pissed off it got funny, damn you Goku for stoping the madness with the orange!
Strange movie dimensions but entertaining nonetheless ^_^
Way too slow paced, to sell fight sequences they normally need quite a lot of pace to them. I don't want to say it since you seem to be at a simlar level to myself, but only one word springs to mind after seeing this... pathetic -_-
Random but some funny stuff. I may like Rock (don't believe me? Then check my profile) but Punk Rock is mostly shit, if that screaming is singing you people are officially tone death >.<
Well, thats the reason I don't like "Rockers" (I am just jokeing)
I haven't laughed that much watching a Flash movie for a long time, and as this is about the 731st review what else can I possibly say that hasn't been said already? Oh yeah definately better then the first! *adds to favorites*
Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...
haha no
London, England
Joined on 9/17/02