OMFG you could make a whole movie about how cartoons and games are trying to conform to this XTREME MOTHERFUCKA! Bullshit... seems you just did but with only one character... ah man... *cracks up laughing again*
OMFG you could make a whole movie about how cartoons and games are trying to conform to this XTREME MOTHERFUCKA! Bullshit... seems you just did but with only one character... ah man... *cracks up laughing again*
This confused me! I honestly thought this was nothing more then an advert to begin with, but since you removed the link it's technically safe from blammage... I would whistle this since it still looks more like an advert but there's no links so I'll barely let this through due to the quality of art
i changed the link
...yes.... wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop! XD
What is it with all these Australian Flash artists kicking ass? That does it! If the Aussies start dominating Newgrounds I'm moving to Australia!
Dunno what to say dude, to make something that for the most part is universally suitable for all and humourous is a great acheivement XD
WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP!... classic revived comic catchphrase XD
holy crap a sprite movie with some flare!
Best Sonic sprite movie I've seen for some time by miles! (no pun intended cause of... you know tails with the... ah screw it...)
I don't often say this... but dude please make more!
*stares at the shining GBA with a stupid look on his face*
must play... with the shiny... XD
You know, thats actually the pun in Tails real name, say Miles Prower real fast like over and over again, it sounds like Miles Per Hour.
I want a Shiny Game traveling GBA as well, but I think I'd rather have a shinier game traveling NDS, that would be the best, at least I've got my real GBA and DS. :P
Oh, and I certainly am going to make more, maybe.
what the...
Had some seizure unfriendly kickass text effects in places (I assume you made them yourself) but the only problem is these were more interesting then the frame by frame animation itself! The text is supposed to compliment the animation not outdo it!
Abstract on a art level, leaving this to interpretation, but even though I didn't understand t, the visuals were a treat to view. Compared to the average standard on this site this is certainly right up there!
I half exspected the Muse absolution song to kick in to begin with, but the content of this reminded me more of that freak Salad Fingers, I've managed to pin down the style though.
It's like you're working on a slasher horror film but you're too lazy to do the whole thing, so you just do the gore scenes since that's all what the average newgrounds user wants to see... this makes it pretty meaningless in my opinion, gore has a place but being gory just for the sake of it is just plain naff... that's why I mostly considered slasher horror films to be more like action films with more gore because there's no effort put into story...
Anyways if you can't be asked to read all the above, basically work this into some kind of story because on it's own it's just like... why... -_-
Dude, I've never heard of Muse, and they probably suck because it's probably cheesy death metal. Do you even know what absolution means? Because if you do, you're still a wanker.
Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...
haha no
London, England
Joined on 9/17/02