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Not bad at all...

Cliche story style very much like Disney, but it's nice to see a Flash movie in a more old skool style, with some kickass animation to boot.


Loved the film graining effect but I didn't find the punchline of the joke funny, (though that could be to do with the fact I have to keep knocking sence into people wanting to kill themselves ¬_¬) which makes this kinda lost on me...

michael-wolfendale responds:

Thanks, I made it because I know so many idiots who say they're suicidal and write all this crap poetry about it and then tell everyone they cut themselves to get attention.


having a puyo do the same dance the whole way through the movie, which wasn't even edited to be shorter it just randomily cuts out! promising graphics but crappy idea -_-

raiki15 responds:

Wow you actually waited till the end I didn't believe anyone would XD

bloody hell!

That had frame by frame animation to standards more associated with TV! Trippy in terms of story but ooohhh soo cool...


Believe it or not this reminded me alot of legendary frog's earlier work, even if this gets blammed don't get discouraged... keep at it...

not bad...

Great style and an interesting idea for what would easily be a winner with the gamer culture that visits this site, though I would ignore comments like Graz's sexual frustrations wanting to see two consoles "get it on". Even if you abandon the idea keep up the quality animation

eh? ok...

The name got my attention that's for sure, you've touched on a very delicate issue though that is very hard to cover in just a flash movie like that. I almost get the feeling this was more an advert for the link at the end then a serious debate starting movie =/

IMO with the issues raised though, if the law does it's job there's no reason for an average citicen to have a gun, in fact it's bloody dangerous and an accident waiting to happen! Why dya think there's so many shootings in America? Because they're pretty much publically available ¬_¬

little-bald-kid responds:

I included the links at the end, because they are the product of one man's defiance against what he believes to be an unjust law.

There are a lot of shootings in America, yes, but that isn't due to the availability of guns alone - It's also a cultural and social problem over there.

I feel that there is a need for gun control, and that the UK is at the opposite end of the scale to the US.

Gun crime has not decreased in the UK, it has increased. The only thing that has decreased is the amount of crimes committed using legally owned weapons.

All those award entries for this? hmm...

My 600th review... and for the most part it's been a pleasure doing them... I tell it like it is peeps you can count on that! Wether it's good or shit I don't hold back... Well... 90% of the time anyways... might as well make an extra good job of this review.

I enjoyed the tragic story, I thought I knew what was going to happen then it took that killer of a twist in the story which makes you feel sorry for the guy even more then what I thought would happen would. I was impressed how fairly basic effects made this story work, it had a kinda cartoon silohette/film noir feel to it.

The only possible things I could fault this on is the animation is at times probably too basic for it's own good and the end credits not being translated, but that's being picky. I don't understand why he had to be a monkey mutant but nice job sir anyways....

Saviour for a day... heh heh...

"You're the saviour! You are one of a number of people who have helped keep this entry in the Portal!"

I voted 5 and well deserved, you invented your own character going through a made up video game and not one bit of tweening, all frame by frame, that alone should speak enough of the efforts put into this. If this could be critised on anything it's the fact that the pace was so fast you'll have to watch this more then once to take it all in.

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

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