Funny how I only recently got hold of worms world party (the last 2D version of the game they made) this was a great first Flash! It didn't quite capture the anarcy (sp?) and hilarious choas of worms but it was still a damn good try...
Funny how I only recently got hold of worms world party (the last 2D version of the game they made) this was a great first Flash! It didn't quite capture the anarcy (sp?) and hilarious choas of worms but it was still a damn good try...
anarcy...i didn't knew worms had that/..
Wow nice job recreating the clone wars animation style, the joke was a little weak, but for anyone who has seen the film it was the punchline that sold it! lmao @ the crying XD
heh heh
I remeber the first one of these... cracked me up... though for some reason I didn't find this one as funny, still more then competant use of sprites though, keep up the good work.
Thanks, I think what it was, was the fact you probably didn't like or know much about either of the games you could choose, thats all, maybe next time. :)
This was done with Swish 3D right? No matter because it's one of the best add ons for Flash out there. I'm definatly going to protect this because it's the best under jugdement submission I've seen all day! Damn newbs... -_-
Easily the best sprite based fight I've seen in a Flash! Makes me wish I could play 3rd Strike... note to self... chip my PS2... anyway... I can't vote too high on the graphics since the base was already there from the 3rd Strike and MK sprites, but the effects for the specials and extra backgrounds you made were excellent quality! Keep up the good work, because this is the kind of standard all sprite movies should be!
Seems you did post this on here and with good reason this is just great! Some minor sound issues but good stuff =)
It's funny because it's so true! Mocks so many things that piss people off about Final Fantasy XD
No way you made a video taking the piss out of those sex lines because of a prank call! Absoute genius! XD
"I'd like to thank god..." lol
Pretty well done Flash tutorial with a totally different approach to others I've seen, kind of like CartoonSmart, just a pity you don't seem to have any intention to do more... I would have liked to have seen how you handled explaining the more complex stuff
Tim Farrell... why does that ring a bell?
I loved the style of this and for some reason the guy's hyperness (is that even a word?) cracked me up XD *goes and watches it again*
Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...
haha no
London, England
Joined on 9/17/02