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That more like how a tutorial should look!

Have to aggree with chainsaw_09 this is a quality tutorial Flash! The colour scheme with the animals is a little weird but it works, the only way you could have possibly done better is if you had taken loads of screenshots and managed to use them in an easy to understand way. This is only a minor thing though, plus a lot of the people on Newgrounds could do with doing a bit more reading I bet anyway=P

weird one

This movie is gay! Or at least that's what I would say if I was a total newb. This had some interesting tutorials such as ways of protecting your movie, however you failed to include the absoute basics and the setup looked kinda weird. There is genuine useful information in here though it just could be better...

Kozak1337 responds:

ok, thnx, i did'nt said it was a basics tutorial, i may include that in my next, it's so many tutorials featuring basics on NG


Interesting use of sprites, due to the partial porn content I think you got yourself a winner with the newgrounds users...

FLiXD responds:

yup, I know my audience


A very erm... unique dressup style game ^^" the homeless sign made me laugh and the various backgrounds were great quality. They look like vectors tracings, if so how did you manage to keep such high detail?

FairyOfDoom responds:

I used tracing at 50 the first box, ten on the next, very smooth and few corners... (i hope you understand me)

Some brilliant action scripting there!

Very cool so much so in fact that I think something like this program should be bundled with all PCs! Pisses all over Mineswepper and Solitare any day! Only minor complaint is what Tristram31 said about this needing some kind of well done thingy when you finish a maze, dare I say it there are some bloody stupid people out there who actually may need telling they finished the maze...

This needs an extra category for frustration

Interesting idea but a infurating one... *takes an axe to the ladder that breaks* an interesting concept but I recommend you set aside some time and have a fair amount of patience, definatly NOT for the average adrenaline junkie members on newgrounds...

Weird but cool

Didn't fully get that demo, but the first time I chucked someone flying accross the game arena I couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes XD It's looking promising, keep up the good work!

looking good...

I remeber seeing the trialer for this somewhere, all I know is this is looking very promising! There isn't enough music tracks, which makes the ones you use grate a bit since you hear them so much, this isn't quite on par with the side scrolling beat em ups of old yet, but you're certainly getting there!

Not the worst but needs to be a lot better

It was not the worst tutorial I've seen but it had some inexcusable bugs such as the invisible cursor. You may call it a minor thing but newbs like Leadoff21 don't know how to deal with not being able to see their precious friend the mouse. In short a good attempt but iron out little bugs like this before you submit, or it'll only lead to abuse from saying you suck or whatever, all I'm saying is... PROVE THEM WRONG!

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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