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bloody hell o_O

That game was so good it was evil! Although the graphics weren't amasing the planning for the fighting system and programming involved is bloody impressive! This had me hooked for over an hour, and it takes some bloody good programming to be able to do that! Congratulations on being the first flash game to seriously eat up my time @_@

Hyper? lol any random buzz word

Dunno where the name came from but this Flash tutorial had a more 'emo' then 'hyper' feel about it. I liked the way you have the code on screen, but it always cracks me up when people include things like that in a movie but don't do something as simple as adding a decent button hit area! XD Not bad in terms of information but pretty dull and lacking in style...

ok.. but...

First let me start by saying "Section Nemesis" falsy claims rights to this music, at most he just remixed some DMC3... yeah it sounds good but that's because someone else did most of the hard work for him. This game was ok but at the risk of sounding like a fanboy the music barely goes with it... in fact the smell of Devil May Cry influence was pretty apparent throughout this game, yeah it's a cool game but don't let it cloud your judgement and stick more to your OWN ideas...

Dizimz responds:

To be honest My ideas have been around since grade 5 , Although over the years they have been influenced but com on DMC3 isn't my favorite influence i just feel the music makes me angry and so does waves of annoying enemies the music non the less will always rock and thanks for the review But Section Nemesis was mearly influenced by DMC3 but Nemesis still made the music

nice try

A game of persistance rather then skill, but a noble effort. The invisible maze that flashes was a good idea but it was too constant, My advice would be to make the times it's visible and invisible at one time longer (though make the time invisible longer), also levels where you can die the music replays over the existing track creating a sort of overlapping effect, which to be frank does not sound good -_-. A good idea but needs some kinks worked out


Now THIS was cool! Finally some good use of some google image search results and great use of those photoshop skills. Dunno about anyone else but I wanna see more of these... only with better music @_@

Perrytownedotcom responds:

sorry to let you down, but these arent google images, i took these at a filming of a pilot episode of Extreme Golf TV.


Certainly unique but didn't get the challenge to begin with, until I realised the answer fades out quicker the further you get. Nice little memory test to waste some time on ^^


Nice idea for a sound board but if you can't do something as simple as include decent quality sound it makes the whole thing quite a lost cause...

GallagherProductions responds:

i had good sound quality but it came out over 10mb. so i had to compromice

Former Top 50 newgrounds reviewer. I'm a 'Shadow Artist' ex hardcore gamer English Wiseass. I've done some newbish things in the past, but frankly who hasn't? Unemployed again deciding what to do next to be honest...

Richard @S-K



haha no

London, England

Joined on 9/17/02

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